Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Experimenting with flash

My brother has been telling me how the 'off-camera' flash setup gives a much more natural look than direct flash. (Well, if you have to have flash at all...I prefer natural light when I can get it.) But anyway, we had a project tonight at church, to shoot photos of all the choir kids. We didn't get to use the lighting he had set up with my camera, because we got a late start. But, afterwards, we took a couple of test shots for comparison. I don't often get to play with all the 'extra' stuff like that. This was the result.
This one was taken with my Canon 30D, 70-200 2.8L, 430EX flash unit (on camera).

This one, same gear, but with the off-camera lights triggered by an on-camera remote. (I need to get me one of those!)

Overall, shot #1 is not bad, but the shot #2 below is

#1 a better shot of my brother,
#2 much more dramatic lighting.
Tell me what you think.


Carla said...

Interesting difference. I like the one on the bottom best because it's a bit more dramatic. Are my choir kids doing a musical this year? I miss them sooo much! Please tell Katina to give them all a big hug for me! Okay, I'll go dry my eyes now. :-(

Sharon said...

I like them both - the top one is a little warmer. Hard to tell though, blooger won't let me enlarge them to look closer >:|

Linda said...

He really needs to smile more! I agree the bottom is a better picture of your brother. (He still needs to smile)

Debbie365 said...

Carla - yes, your choir kids are doing great! They are about to do a 'mini-musical' in a couple of weeks. That's why we were taking pictures. I'm going to send you something really special! Keep your eyes open!

Debbie365 said...

Sharon - I don't know why it does that. Sometimes you can click on them and make them bigger, and other times not. Strange.
GranmaL - yes, I agree. The only grin I got out of him was a goofy one. I should post it. It would serve him right! Ha!

Mike's Travels said...

Mmmm. I like both actually but prefer the 2nd with the dramatic shadow.

Debbie365 said...

I think I do too, Mike. There is a blog on here somewhere on blogspot called 'Strobist'. Has some interesting photography tips with regards to off-camera flash techniques.