My brother has been telling me how the 'off-camera' flash setup gives a much more natural look than direct flash. (Well, if you have to have flash at all...I prefer natural light when I can get it.) But anyway, we had a project tonight at church, to shoot photos of all the choir kids. We didn't get to use the lighting he had set up with my camera, because we got a late start. But, afterwards, we took a couple of test shots for comparison. I don't often get to play with all the 'extra' stuff like that. This was the result.
This one, same gear, but with the off-camera lights triggered by an on-camera remote. (I need to get me one of those!)
Overall, shot #1 is not bad, but the shot #2 below is
#1 a better shot of my brother,#2 much more dramatic lighting.
Tell me what you think.
Interesting difference. I like the one on the bottom best because it's a bit more dramatic. Are my choir kids doing a musical this year? I miss them sooo much! Please tell Katina to give them all a big hug for me! Okay, I'll go dry my eyes now. :-(
I like them both - the top one is a little warmer. Hard to tell though, blooger won't let me enlarge them to look closer >:|
He really needs to smile more! I agree the bottom is a better picture of your brother. (He still needs to smile)
Carla - yes, your choir kids are doing great! They are about to do a 'mini-musical' in a couple of weeks. That's why we were taking pictures. I'm going to send you something really special! Keep your eyes open!
Sharon - I don't know why it does that. Sometimes you can click on them and make them bigger, and other times not. Strange.
GranmaL - yes, I agree. The only grin I got out of him was a goofy one. I should post it. It would serve him right! Ha!
Mmmm. I like both actually but prefer the 2nd with the dramatic shadow.
I think I do too, Mike. There is a blog on here somewhere on blogspot called 'Strobist'. Has some interesting photography tips with regards to off-camera flash techniques.
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