Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

...and yet, another birthay!

April, May and June are busy for BD, my husband's BD, our anniversary, all fall in April. Daughter #2 is in May, and Daughter #1 is in June. Here are a few fun shots we got at Daughter #2's birthday party this past weekend.

A Hershey Chocolate Cake...$10.00;
A couple of "Confetti Poppers"...Complements of her friends;
The look of surprise on her face? Priceless!

Fun with Mom's camera! What a bunch of hambones!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Did you bring me a monkey???

You bet! It was hubby's birthday today, so we brought him a monkey! A big, gigantic, purple one!! You think he was surprised to come back from lunch and find THIS at his desk?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

28th Anniversary!

On Saturday, hubby and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary. He brought me these, aren't they gorgeous? All taken in the natural light of a Sunday morning sunrise...

Friday, April 20, 2007

My Rose

From my poor, very neglected rose bush, comes this beautiful blossom. I don't get much time, so I couldn't resist the opportunity to play around with some different settings. This was my favorite from those I shot.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

What I found at work! Thanks guys! Flowers from my hunny...

Birthday Dinner at Outback with the family. The 'call ahead' thing they do didn't work so good this time. We waited over an hour and a half past what our 'call in' time was. They were good to us, though. Brought us cheese fries, bread, a bloomin' onion and drinks. You just gotta make your own fun, whatever the circumstances!

We did finally get to eat!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Our First Photo Shoot

My Sister (adorned for the Easter Drama) and Brother.....
The both of them out at the end of a VERY rickety dock on the St. Johns. Risking life and limb to get that perfect shot! For the first time in our lives, we share an interest in the same hobby - photography. So, after lunch on Sunday, we embarked on the first, of I hope to be many, photo shooting excursions.

...and, after much cajoling and encouragement, they convinced me that, alas, I would not fall to my death in the mirey muck below (even though I SWEAR those pilings were swaying at least 2 feet in both directions when you walked across them!) I, too, risked life and limb to capture that perfect shot. So, with all the expertise I could muster (and the magic of my photo editing software) I managed to come up with some okay stuff. We have a lot to learn! And what is the "P" setting all about? Such mysteries of life!

Ahhh...back on solid checking out his 'macro' setting!

Even weeds are lovely when taken with a Canon Digital Rebel! Sorry, Brother...did I mention CANON RULES????

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Happy Easter...

He left a perfect place, all that He knew and loved...because He loved me more.
He gave His Life for mine...and for yours...

...a very talented pair of hands....and my very dearest friend....

Been wanting get pictures of our new flag since they put it up...but I waited for the new sign to be installed.

What do you know!? A "Hummer Bunny"!
Me & My Kitty...Taz...

Happy Easter!