Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

What I found at work! Thanks guys! Flowers from my hunny...

Birthday Dinner at Outback with the family. The 'call ahead' thing they do didn't work so good this time. We waited over an hour and a half past what our 'call in' time was. They were good to us, though. Brought us cheese fries, bread, a bloomin' onion and drinks. You just gotta make your own fun, whatever the circumstances!

We did finally get to eat!

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Looks like fun! Party on and happy birthday a little late. :)