Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Skywatch EXTREME!

Jacksonville Sea & Sky Spectacular...may favorite part...The Blue Angels!

We spent this afternoon watching the Blue Angels, precision flight team of the US Navy, perform some breath-taking maneuvers just off the coast. They were part of the Sea & Sky Spectacular, an event held annually at Jacksonville Beach. The day could not have been more perfect!
As written in one of my earlier blogs, I grew up in an Air National Guard family. Therefore, I am totally in to everything airplanes, military and patriotic. Wathing the razor-like precision of this team will absolutely give you goosebumps! If you have never seen them, and you have the chance...GO! It is SO worth every minute!
For more here.


Andrea said...

I love to watch the Blue Angels. You got some good shots.

dot said...

Fantastic pictures! I saw them once back in the 60's in Sanford, Fla. I remember it was so terribly hot out in that sun and I was pregnant but oh what a show they put on!

Carla said...

I love those pictures! Looks like a lot of fun! I haven't been to an air show since the boys were young and then they were more interested in the tanks and other stuff on the ground. I didn't get to watch much of the show.

Mike's Travels said...

Wow, you caught some great shots Debbie. We have the red arrows here.

Sharon said...

Awesome!! I wonder what kind of shots Mr. 10ft lens got. :)

Debbie365 said...

Thanks guys...I just get plum silly at those things...I think it's the precision, the speed, power, the noise...okay all of it! This was their second to last show of the season. The last one is in Pensacola next weekend...Hmmmm...
I wonder what shots Mr. Big lens got too! Honestly, the color of the sky is more vibrant in your shots, Sharon. I must have had something set wrong or something.

Paulie said...

Nice! It has been a long time since I saw them but I was duly impressed also. I just joined the group -- would love to have you drop by.