Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!
2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Keepin' Up with Mike (aka QuikSnap365)
In families with young children, the refridgerator door can become a sort of impromptu 'Art Gallery'. But, alas, I no longer have young children, just down to a teenager now, so we have schedules, coupons, phone numbers, etc. No art lovingly created by little hands to be proudly displayed by Mom and Dad on the fridge door.
But this is a fun magnet. Don't you think?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tis the Season!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
"Grand" Dreams
I don't remember what this one was...probably a Yamaha. It was at the concert hall where my soon to be son-in-law's Senior Recital was held. He's a horn player, but this...yes this...was what accompanied him. (If only my livingroom were big enough!)

Baldwin is actually my brand of choice. I do have plans...not one quite this big, but big enough, at least a 6 footer! The photos in the mosaic contain pictures of pianos at a music store owners expo my brother attended a year or so ago. He took them because he knew I'd enjoy them. He was able to find me not only some Baldwins, but a really nice 9 foot concert Mason & Hamlin. I played one of those at my last piano recital. It was a very big deal! They did have a Steinway available, but it had been regulated and adjusted for this guy that played there a lot. It was a bit too hard to play for we younger, and less experienced, prodogies. If I remember correctly, I played a Tchaikovsky piano concerto. I have a photograph of me sitting at it some where. I'll have to find it and scan it in so I can publish it one day. I was in High School at that time.

Baldwin is actually my brand of choice. I do have plans...not one quite this big, but big enough, at least a 6 footer! The photos in the mosaic contain pictures of pianos at a music store owners expo my brother attended a year or so ago. He took them because he knew I'd enjoy them. He was able to find me not only some Baldwins, but a really nice 9 foot concert Mason & Hamlin. I played one of those at my last piano recital. It was a very big deal! They did have a Steinway available, but it had been regulated and adjusted for this guy that played there a lot. It was a bit too hard to play for we younger, and less experienced, prodogies. If I remember correctly, I played a Tchaikovsky piano concerto. I have a photograph of me sitting at it some where. I'll have to find it and scan it in so I can publish it one day. I was in High School at that time.

I currently play a 40+ year old Yamaha 7'8" instrument at my church. I have been playing church music for 30 something years - the past 13 at the church I currently attend, where I grew up, and the years prior to that at the various churches where my husband served as Music Minister. I dabble at the organ as well, but am not quite as proficient with that instrument, but can fill the bench in a pinch.
It's my heartbeat. It's that thing I do that I love.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Skywatch Friday
Some sky...plus some Pacific Ocean, and a little St. Regis Resort thrown in to add some pizzazz! This is in Monarch Beach, CA, where I went on business this past May. The first few days we experienced what they called 'June Gloom', which evidently arrived just a little bit early. It was grey, overcast and misty - due to a fog that rolls in off the ocean. It burned off some in the afternoons, but not entirely. Wouldn't you know it? This is what it looked like the day we had to leave! Bummer! This was an amazing place! I would SO go back!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Morning Dew
If He cares enough to do this with a neglected rosebush, just imagine what He wants to do with something He loves so much more than foliage!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Getting Even
Be honest. Deep down, have you ever wanted to do THIS to your boss? Did you ever wonder how it might feel? (By the way, that's me back there playing 'papparazzi' in the bushes!)
Just in case you ever wondered...
- Disclaimer: I love my Boss...he's great to work for and a good sport! The company held a raffle to raise money for charity several weeks ago. For every $25 dollars raised in their name, a select group of VPs agreed to take a pie in the face. It was a raging success!
There was lots of pie-flinging today!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Experimenting with flash
My brother has been telling me how the 'off-camera' flash setup gives a much more natural look than direct flash. (Well, if you have to have flash at all...I prefer natural light when I can get it.) But anyway, we had a project tonight at church, to shoot photos of all the choir kids. We didn't get to use the lighting he had set up with my camera, because we got a late start. But, afterwards, we took a couple of test shots for comparison. I don't often get to play with all the 'extra' stuff like that. This was the result.
This one, same gear, but with the off-camera lights triggered by an on-camera remote. (I need to get me one of those!)
Overall, shot #1 is not bad, but the shot #2 below is
#1 a better shot of my brother,#2 much more dramatic lighting.
Tell me what you think.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Skywatch EXTREME!
Jacksonville Sea & Sky Spectacular...may favorite part...The Blue Angels!

We spent this afternoon watching the Blue Angels, precision flight team of the US Navy, perform some breath-taking maneuvers just off the coast. They were part of the Sea & Sky Spectacular, an event held annually at Jacksonville Beach. The day could not have been more perfect!
As written in one of my earlier blogs, I grew up in an Air National Guard family. Therefore, I am totally in to everything airplanes, military and patriotic. Wathing the razor-like precision of this team will absolutely give you goosebumps! If you have never seen them, and you have the chance...GO! It is SO worth every minute!
For more photos...click here.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Home Improvement
While I was off doing 'Wedding' stuff today, hubby was busy at home installing new outdoor lights...

Porch Light...
Porch Light...
Friday, November 2, 2007
Skywatch Friday?
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing this is what this means.
Today was kind of a grey day, not much for a photo. This was taken a few weeks ago. I have a thing for storm clouds. Would you believe we didn't get a drop of rain as these rolled past my house? The sun was even still shining a little. You can tell from the weeping willow tree. This was not done with fill flash...I don't have one that big!
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