Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunset at Key West

We went there last year. It's funny. I've lived in Florida all my life, and that was the first time I have ever traveled down there. It's really beautiful, but best to go in the Spring, or perhaps the Fall. Summer gets pretty hot and humid down there.

Every evening they celebrate the sunset at Mallory Square (not sure if I spelled that right). It's really pretty neat. It's sort of like an impromptu carnival. I thought of this when I saw a photo of a human statute on his blog. Granted, HIS human statue was more amazing that this one. But either way, they are quite amazing to watch actually. I don't know how they manage to stand still for so long. They don't look real, and this guy in particular really liked playing to the crowd. It can be startling when you don't expect them to move!

A chicken in a palm tree. Now there's something you don't see everyday!

Disclaimer: These photos were shot with my little Canon Powershot, as this was before I got my fabulous Canon 350D Digital Rebel, followed by the even more fabulous Canon 30D!


Mike's Travels said...

Hey Debbie! Great minds. You've got a shiny one. I think these buskers are SO talented. I can't imagine how they keep so still for so long.

Sharon said...

I could never do it! We have talked about Key West, I guess we'll get there one day :) Those pictures are really good, but you can definitely tell a difference!