Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The "Chief" and Me

I had the unexpected opportunity to accompany my Dad to the 60th Anniversary celebration of the Florida Air National Guard. I have always been fascinated with airplanes. I get chills everytime I witness one of those 'fly-overs'. I am totally patriotic to the core. I have always said I must have jet fuel in my blood. After tonight, I know why.

I had the privilege of meeting many of the men whose names I have heard my Dad mention throughout the course of my life. Fine men that he was honored to know and to work with. Men about whom he told funny stories of the jokes they played on each other through the years. It was way cool to see their faces. I met 3 Star Generals, Colonels, Base Commanders, Chief Master Sergeants (of which my Dad was honored and recognized for). There were truly some very fine men in that room. What a heritage we have!

When was the last time you stood in a room with 700 people in complete silence as the Color Guard carried in the stars and stripes in full military fashion, and you could have heard a pin drop? From the time they walked through the door, to the time they walked back out...not a word, not a movement. It was a most amazing sight. To honor the stars and stripes as a symbol of our freedom and the sacrifices the have been made by men and women to keep that freedom secure is so small in gesture, but so massive in meaning.

There were 3 generations of my family who served the FLANG, my Grandfather, my Dad, and my brother. I am not entirely sure when my Grandfather started there, but it must have been almost from the very beginning. He was part of the squadron that 'aced' the William Tell competition. As the story goes, the Air Force didn't think this little unit - the Florida Air National Guard stood a chance against them. One of the jets the FLANG was using was damaged during one of the events. The AF thought that certainly that was the end of them. However, the persistance and industriousness of the FLANG crew paid off. The plane was repaired and they went on to take the entire event with perfect scores for the first time in history. My Grandpa John was an intregal part of that accomplishment. I wonder if he ever thought for a minute that his Granddaughter would hear about that, and moreover would he know how proud she was of him?

My Dad worked hard to take care of our family. I remember my Mom sewing his stripes onto new uniforms. I remember him polishing his boots before every drill weekend and I still smell the shoe polish! I remember how handsome he looked in his dress blues. He has passed down to his children the importance of being true, loyal and honest with a day's work. More significant than that, He is a fine Christian man who raised us to put God first in our lives and trust Him in everything. Is he perfect? He says not. Who is? But in this daughter's eyes, he's my Dad, Chief Master Seargant of the 125th, Florida Air National Guard. He has served us both very well.

Here are a few pictures from the event. They aren't all the best, but hopefully they will make a nice remembrance of the evening for him. (My Dad is the good-looking one in the burgundy shirt!)


Sharon said...

*chest out, bursting with pride in every way* ;)

Debbie365 said...

Oh yes, most definitely! That WAY made up for all the 'Family Days' I missed! :-)

Carla said...

What an awesome family story. Someone should write it down for future generations. Maybe write a book! That gives me an idea for a blog. Stayed tuned!

Ryan and Shawna said...

Very cool story!

Choc Mint Girl said...

I just love your blog with all those nice pix and slide shows...and interesting post too!! :)