Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh, and by the way, about the Science Project...

Disappointingly (is that a word?), there was never any change in color to the flower. Even after I cut the stems more. Sorry for keeping you in suspense for nothing.

Oh well. A scientest I am not...more of an 'artist' I guess.

Sunset at Key West

We went there last year. It's funny. I've lived in Florida all my life, and that was the first time I have ever traveled down there. It's really beautiful, but best to go in the Spring, or perhaps the Fall. Summer gets pretty hot and humid down there.

Every evening they celebrate the sunset at Mallory Square (not sure if I spelled that right). It's really pretty neat. It's sort of like an impromptu carnival. I thought of this when I saw a photo of a human statute on his blog. Granted, HIS human statue was more amazing that this one. But either way, they are quite amazing to watch actually. I don't know how they manage to stand still for so long. They don't look real, and this guy in particular really liked playing to the crowd. It can be startling when you don't expect them to move!

A chicken in a palm tree. Now there's something you don't see everyday!

Disclaimer: These photos were shot with my little Canon Powershot, as this was before I got my fabulous Canon 350D Digital Rebel, followed by the even more fabulous Canon 30D!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Science Project - actually Day 3

I won't keep you in suspense. There is no photo, because there was no change. I think the idea was that the color was supposed to travel up the stem into the flower. Maybe we didn't cut it right? Not sure. I cut it off shorter tonight, and split it up further. It's back in the water cups we'll see.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Science Project - Day One

Youngest DD is doing a project for some extra credit. I thought it would be interesting to record it in photos over the next couple of days. We'll see how quickly we notice any change.

Take a carnation, split the stem longways and place one side of the stem in red colored water, and the other in blue colored water. What do you suppose will happen? Stay tuned!

Friday, September 21, 2007

A "Chinese's" New Year

Okay, so she's from Taiwan, not China...just so that is clear! We just couldn't pass up the opportunity for that play on words! :-)
We celebrated the birthday of a very fabulous and amazing woman. Mother of 6, soon to be 7. Four biological, and 3 adopted.

Happy Birthday, MeiChing!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Surprise Outing

Saturday morning my eldest daughter kidnapped me and took me off for a morning of fun and frolic:

We stopped for a little refreshment to start the day

The it was over the river and through the woods...okay, so that's another time and season. But we did go over the river...

To visit our relatives? Maybe...

Some of the 'residents'...

"Like butter on a bald monkey" ???

"Lovebirds of Paradise"

Okay, so I can to bugs, too...

Join us for a little 'Behind' the scenes tour...

All in all, a very fun morning with my girl...

For more Zoo Photos, click here

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The "Chief" and Me

I had the unexpected opportunity to accompany my Dad to the 60th Anniversary celebration of the Florida Air National Guard. I have always been fascinated with airplanes. I get chills everytime I witness one of those 'fly-overs'. I am totally patriotic to the core. I have always said I must have jet fuel in my blood. After tonight, I know why.

I had the privilege of meeting many of the men whose names I have heard my Dad mention throughout the course of my life. Fine men that he was honored to know and to work with. Men about whom he told funny stories of the jokes they played on each other through the years. It was way cool to see their faces. I met 3 Star Generals, Colonels, Base Commanders, Chief Master Sergeants (of which my Dad was honored and recognized for). There were truly some very fine men in that room. What a heritage we have!

When was the last time you stood in a room with 700 people in complete silence as the Color Guard carried in the stars and stripes in full military fashion, and you could have heard a pin drop? From the time they walked through the door, to the time they walked back out...not a word, not a movement. It was a most amazing sight. To honor the stars and stripes as a symbol of our freedom and the sacrifices the have been made by men and women to keep that freedom secure is so small in gesture, but so massive in meaning.

There were 3 generations of my family who served the FLANG, my Grandfather, my Dad, and my brother. I am not entirely sure when my Grandfather started there, but it must have been almost from the very beginning. He was part of the squadron that 'aced' the William Tell competition. As the story goes, the Air Force didn't think this little unit - the Florida Air National Guard stood a chance against them. One of the jets the FLANG was using was damaged during one of the events. The AF thought that certainly that was the end of them. However, the persistance and industriousness of the FLANG crew paid off. The plane was repaired and they went on to take the entire event with perfect scores for the first time in history. My Grandpa John was an intregal part of that accomplishment. I wonder if he ever thought for a minute that his Granddaughter would hear about that, and moreover would he know how proud she was of him?

My Dad worked hard to take care of our family. I remember my Mom sewing his stripes onto new uniforms. I remember him polishing his boots before every drill weekend and I still smell the shoe polish! I remember how handsome he looked in his dress blues. He has passed down to his children the importance of being true, loyal and honest with a day's work. More significant than that, He is a fine Christian man who raised us to put God first in our lives and trust Him in everything. Is he perfect? He says not. Who is? But in this daughter's eyes, he's my Dad, Chief Master Seargant of the 125th, Florida Air National Guard. He has served us both very well.

Here are a few pictures from the event. They aren't all the best, but hopefully they will make a nice remembrance of the evening for him. (My Dad is the good-looking one in the burgundy shirt!)

Friday, September 14, 2007

New Toy...Happy Boy!

The 'Original Loofa Dog' from Petco. Someone just couldn't resist! And best of all...he squeaks!

And the most wonderful kitty in the whole wide world. She's not much into squeaky toys and long as she gets her nightly head-scratching

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Stark Comparison...

to Carla's drive home from work in beautiful, scenic Virginia...

My Friend's Beautiful Baby Boy

Monday, September 10, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Kitty's trip to the Day Spa

"Hello, am I not simply the most beautiful creature on the planet?"
"Yes? What's that you say? It's time for my appointment at the Spa?"
Her Chariot awaits...
The Footman gently seats her inside, while a somewhat 'envious' onlooker stands by...
"Hey buster, watch where you're sticking that nose! It's cold and wet!"
Snug inside.
"Hey, where are you goin? Let me in!" (Obviously, he forgets that he hates that place!)
"Away with you lowly peasant! Today is MY day!" (Obviously, SHE forgets that she also hates that place!)
"I'm off to get more gorgeous (like that's possible!). We shall post more portraits upon my return."

Friday, September 7, 2007

Studio 1884

For about 2 hours this morning, my humble home was transformed into a high-tech (or maybe medium-tech) movie studio. You can check out the "behind the scenes" photos here:

The making of another KBBC Movie Short

There was a bit of an 'edge of your seat' adventure scene as well. Unfortunately, will forever be in the lost footage. But picture this:

...Actor opens sliding screen door, while unbeknownst to him, he crushes the home of about 20 gargantuan wasps. Wasps are flying everywhere while actors, cameramen, grips, directors and photographers are bravely facing the large, life-threatening stingers (okay, well maybe not life-threatening, but if they got under the skin it could hurt really bad and possibly cause an infection). Meanwhile, the lowly studio-owner/photographer rescues the cast and crew, armed with a large can of Spectracide Wasp and Hornet killer. Well, some of it did get on the leading man, but he survived, and it kept the other wasps away.

I did get a photo of the end result.

Poor, poor dead, homeless wasp carcases.

Disclaimer: Many wasps were killed or injured in the making of this film.