I want to be a big, shiny black Grand Piano!
The first piano in this blog is a lovely Baldwin console model - a 125th anniversary edition - that I originally purchased in 1987. It has served me well - lots of memories were made on that instrument. Hopefully, it will go to a little girl or boy somewhere who is just starting on their journey of discovering the joy of music.
The experience of getting this Grand, after dreaming of it for so many years but never believing it could really happen, ranks in the top 5 greatest moments of my life! I captured the whole delivery and setup process in pictures. Did you really expect anything less! If you have ever been curious as to how one of these baby's gets to its destination...check out the photos on my Flickr.
To God be the Glory
Great things He has done
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son
Who yielded His life, an atonement for sin
and opened the pathway so all could go in!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord
Let the earth hear his voice!
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord
Let the people rejoice!
Oh come to the Father, through Jesus, the Son
and give Him the glory, Great Things He has done!