Being promoted to the position of 'Grandparents'!

2011 - will be an AWESOME year for the Nelson/Lynn family. Our beautiful daughter and son-in-law are blessing us with our first grandchild - a boy. Christopher Aiden Lynn is due to arrive June 30 (the same date his Mama was due! How cool is that?)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Moon and...Stars???

DCN120208030, originally uploaded by Steinway13064.

I took these Monday night, thinking it was the moon and just two bright little stars! On the weather last night, John Gaughn talked about them and explained what they were...Planets! The one on the left is Venus and the one on the right is Jupiter. How cool is that! If only my lens was longer! Oh well, it's pretty amazing!


Linda said...

I almost took the picture on Monday too. I had already heard that they were Jupiter and Venus. so cool. Glad you got it.

Sharon said...

Awesome! I tried but didn't get a good one. This is great :)